
Display statistical values for the specified 1D or 2D dataset.

@f{xystatvalue(DatasetName, Type)}
@f{xystatvalue(DatasetName, Type, Format)}



Name of a 1D or 2D dataset. To access a dataset on a different page, the page name can be added to the dataset name, separated by a colon (:), for example Data1:Page2.


Name of the statistical value:

Value Meaning
xmin Value of the smallest x coordinate
xmax Value of the greatest x coordinate
ymin Value of the smallest y coordinate
ymax Value of the greatest y coordinate
ystart Value of the first y coordinate
yend Value of the last y coordinate
xmean arithmetic mean of the x coordinates
ymean arithmetic mean of the y coordinates
yminpos x position of the y minimum
ymaxpos x position of the y maximum
corr Correlation coefficient
meandeviation Mean deviation
variance Variance
standarddeviation Standard Deviation
r2 Coefficient of determination
median Median. Same as 0.5-quantile.
quantile For the quantile add the percent value separated by a colon, for example: quantile:0.1 (the 0.1-Quantil) is the value, where 10% of all points are smaller.
name Displays the channel name. Can be added to the value name separated by a period (.), i.e. @f{xystatvalue(Data6, ymean.name.unit)}
unit Displays the unit name, e. g. @f{xystatvalue(Data6, ymean.unit)}

If the string :date is added to the type name the value will be formatted as a date/time value.


Specifies the number format. The default format is %g. Example: %.3lf will print the values with 3 decimal places. For a complete description see printf. In field functions commas are not allowed inside the format string.


To find the dataset name, click the dataset. The name will be displayed in the status bar, e.g. Data3.


xmin: @f{xystatvalue(Data 1, xmin)}


x-Min: 12.34


Mean @f{xystatvalue(Data4,ymean.name.unit, %.1lf)}


Mean AFS: 301.7 Kg/h


Example for 10% Quantile:

10% Quantile: @f{xyvalue(Data1, name)} = @f{xystatvalue(Data1, quantile:0.1, %.2lf)} @f{xyvalue(Data1, unit)}


10% Quantile: P = 3.23 bar
